IF CHRIST HAD BEEN CRUCIFIED BY THE... French: They'd have talked all big and mighty before the fact, started to drive one nail, and surrendered. Scottish: Jesus wouldn't have been crucified. They'd have strapped wool to him and run him through a clan making a "baa" sound. -"If ye can survive that, yer the Messiah alright. A bit sore, but ne'ertheless..." South Koreans: They'd have called in a larger world power to do it for them. United States of America: There'd have been an at least five year debate over it, Christgate hearings, countless forums and talk shows, Congressional hearings, at least four thousands American troops sent in, and afterwards, a lot of movie deals done about the "poor soldiers" who fought so valiantly, all done by Oliver Stone. United Nations: See United States of America. England: After the crucifixion, tabloids would say it was because Jesus had sex with Princess Di. Half the male population of England begins to get nervous. Japan: They'd have done it more efficiently, and told the Romans they were lazy pigs. Sesame Street: The Count would have counted each nail, and Cookie Monster would have sang, "C is for Crucifixion, That's Good Enough for Me." Hanna Barbera: It still would have been badly animated, but with a crappy seventies soundtrack playing in the back and a Roman soldier seeming to hit the same nail over and over. Mafia: Jesus would have never gotten up the second time. They'd have put cement shoes on him and sent him to "sleep with Jonah and the big fish." DIFFERENT TELLINGS OF THE CRUCIFIXION: Conspiracy Theory: While riding on a PR trip through Jerusalem, Jesus was shot by Judas Iscariot, wielding a nail gun and from the third floor of the Jerusalem Book Depository. Some say he acted alone, but others swear they saw another disciple on the grassy gnoll. With a Psychic's Hotline Spin: "Just think- if Jesus had talked to us, we could have warned him about the betrayal of Judas, and given him his lucky lottery numbers. Call us- your life may depend upon it." The Dungeons & Dragons(tm) Telling: He critically failed his public speaking roll, and failed his saving throws versus angry Italians and versus Nails. The Talk Show: "Tonight, we've got Jews Who've Been Nailed to Trees and Resurrected, but *still* Don't Know How to Love Their Women Right!" Freudian View: The penetration of three nails is a desperate cry to let loose his sexuality. The nail in each arm represents his great desire to dominate a partner but being confined by his duties as Messiah, and the nail holding back his feet represent his secrecy about his foot fetish (see also the washing of the feet at the last supper). With his cry, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?", Jesus is commenting on how he wished Joseph had been more endearing and open with his fatherly love. The resurrection is a folic symbol. Richard Simmonds: "C'mon all you fatties. Do you feel out of shape, spiritaully and physically? Then order my new tape, `Crucifying to the Oldies.' And don't forget volume 2, `Resurrecting to the Oldies,' with my favorite exercise, the Stone Roll." KIDS' CORNER In recent years, there have been many MANY attempts to make the Bible more appealing to children, including Holyland Action Figures, a Moses and Noah Nintendo game, Hana Barbera animated series, and even a very VERY horrible card game like Magic the Gathering (which, by the way, has come under much attack from Christians). But in our opinion, they're doing it all wrong. Here's what we'd do.... Jesus stood from where he'd been praying in the garden all night. Judas Iscariot, one of his trusted disciples ran to him and kissed him on the cheek, but something seemed wrong. "Judas," the Messiah asked, "do you betray me with a kiss?" As if on cue, Roman soldiers filled the garden, armed and ready to take Jesus down. Suddenly, eleven men jumped from the hedges. "All right," Christ called. "It's Morphin' Time!" All twelve men leaped to the sky, and land wearing multi-colored suits and holding plastic swords. Peter Ranger raised his hand valiantly. "Now you're in for it, buddy! No one messes with the Messiah Morphin' Power Rangers and lives to tell about it." Up in the skies, Rita looked down and laughed. "Oh, so Jesus wants to play, eh?" She turned to her hoard of monsters. "Quick, send out my newest creation." The Messiah Rangers looked up. "What is that thing?" Matthew Ranger asked. "I don't know, but I doubt we can beat it," Thomas Ranger said. "It's - it's Nietzche!" Jesus Ranger cried. "And he's armed with the Spear of Logic." He thought for a second as the one chord guitar played in the background. "This calls for drastic measures. I summon the power of the Messiah Sword".... You can guess the rest. END ===